Janvi Herbs

The lavender herb is often grown for extraction of its essential oils. It is grown mostly in northern Africa and the Mediterranean mountains, This oil is known around the world for its health and medical uses.

You can buy the best quality of lavender essential oil from reputed essential oil exporter to treat anxiety, fungal infections, depression, nausea, high blood pressure, and acne. In addition to this, it can be used to treat menstrual pain, eczema and other skin-related disorders.

This oil is mainly produced through the liquid distillation method. It can be used in fragrances and shampoos to help purify the skin of the user on the regular use. In addition to this, this oil can be used to add flavour to baked goods and foods.

essential oil exporter

Treat fungal infection

It is effective in combating anti-fungal infections due to its excellent anti-fungal properties. Many people buy this oil from reputed essential oils supplier to treat different strands of harmful fungal infections. It is lethal to a range of fungal strains that causes diseases in the skin.

Wound healing

This essential oil is highly effective in treatments for wound healing. The wounds closes faster in the user due to the use of this essential oil.

Reduce hair loss

It is highly effective for treatment of male pattern baldness, which is also called as alopecia areata. The regular use of this essential oil will be able to promote hair growth by up to 50% after 12 month of the treatment.

Anxiety disorders and related conditions

This essential oil is highly effective in helping to reduce anxiety disorders in a wide range of people around the world. In addition to this, this essential oil is highly effective in treatment of depression and high blood pressure.

Premenstrual emotional symptom treatment

Regular use of this essential oil effectively help to alleviate premenstrual emotional symptoms. You should also consider buying this essential oil from reputed suppliers or distributor to ensure that its quality and effectiveness is always maintained in accordance with the industry laid norms and regulations. Always prefer to buy this essential oil from supplier that sells lavender oil with high purity and longer shelf life.

This oil is also effective in treatment of cancer-related pain. It can be used to treat nausea and vomiting. This oil is also useful in treatment of colic in infants and constipation in adult.

A recent research carried out by repute researchers found that the fragrance of this essential oil has a beneficial effect on treatment of insomnia and depression.